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PZC Minutes 11-24-2009


MEMBERS PRESENT:        Chairman Patrick Kennedy, Bart Pacekonis, David Sorenson, Viney Wilson


STAFF PRESENT:          Marcia Banach, Director of Planning
                                Jeffrey Doolittle, Town Engineer

Chairman Kennedy called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Jean Gobald, resident of South Windsor expressed her concerns about the ordinance on trailers and campers and the enforcement of the regulations.
1.      CGS 8-24 Referral regarding the purchase of 490 Deming Street
Matthew Galligan, Town Manager presented the referral.  The Town would like for this property to remain as open space and Open Space Task Force agrees that 490 Deming Street is a good property to keep as open space.  

Wilson made a motion to give a favorable recommendation for the above mentioned referral.  Pacekonis seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.  

2.      09-37P, Nu Way Tobacco Expansion Site Plan – request for site plan approval for a 16,540 sf addition on property located at 200 Sullivan Ave., I zone

Karen Isherwood, Project manager with Design Professionals presented the above mentioned application.  
200 Sullivan Avenue houses Nu Way Tobacco located south of Rye Street.  The applicant is proposing a small 4,240 sf. addition on the east side of the existing building.  The applicant is proposing another addition on the west side which is 12,300 sf.  There is an existing loading dock area where the applicant plans to do shipping and receiving. One loading doc will be for shipping and the other for receiving.  The building has 15 parking spaces that are not marked.  The applicant is proposing 29 parking spaces up front and another 6 spaces on the north side of the site. One tractor trailer a day is expected and the turning movements will be going south on to Rye Street and on to Sullivan Ave.  

A traffic study was completed to determine the 85 percentile of speed traveling on Rye Street.  The results were that the 85 percentile of vehicles traveling north were traveling at 34 miles and hour and vehicles traveling south were traveling at 35 miles an hour.  

For drainage on the site currently there is one catch basin on Rye Street and it is has shallow detention basin surface run off.  The applicant is proposing to Connect to the existing storm system located within Sullivan Avenue.

The applicant is proposing to install 17 arborvitae trees to screen the trash compactor by the loading doc.  The applicant came before ADRC and that commission recommended that the applicant should add more trees.  The applicant agreed to install two additional maple trees on the opposite side of the entrance way.    

Banach had a Planning report.

1.      Request for site plan modification to add approximately 12,300 square feet to the western side of existing building and 4,240 sf to the eastern side of the building for property located at 200 Sullivan Ave., I zone. Maximum impervious coverage allowed is 65%, 51.2% proposed.  Proposed building height is 27 feet; 40 feet allowed. Lot size is 7.2 ac; minimum lot size allowed is 30,000 sf. Frontage is 768 feet; minimum allowed is 100 feet. Front yard setback is 50 feet for industrial properties on Sullivan Ave., the existing building setback is 49.9 feet and is non-conforming to today’s setback.
2.      The main addition is proposed on the west side of the existing building and there areas within the building will be reorganized. As a result of the reorganization, two new curb cuts are proposed on to Rye Street for truck access; the southern most cut for exit only from the site. The existing driveways on Sullivan Avenue will service the new addition.
3.      There is a new parking area being proposed to the west of the addition. The parking requirement for the office and manufacturing use on this property is 92 spaces.  On-site parking is adequate and there are several different areas where reserve parking can be constructed, so reserve parking will be addressed with a note rather than designating areas at this time, and the site meets our parking requirements.
4.      The applicant has submitted a traffic study which indicates that there will be no traffic issues created with the new addition.
5.      The ADRC reviewed the plans on 11/19/09 and were had the following recommendations:
•       Two additional trees are to be shown along the north drive;
•       Additional windows are to be added to the front façade of the eastern addition; and
•       Applicant to review lighting level in the area of the eastern addition to determine if additional lights are needed.
6.      The western addition includes new wal-pak lighting on the building and no new pole-mounted lighting. The final plans will need to substitute wal-pak light specs for the pole-mounted light specs.
7.      There is no new signage proposed for the site.
8.      There are no regulated wetlands on the property.  The application is pending with IWA/CC for erosion & sediment control plan approval.
9.      Water and sewer currently serve the property.  Water Pollution Control Authority approval is not required.
10.     The Fire Marshal has reviewed this proposal and is satisfied with the plan.
11.     If this application is approved, there following modifications are requested:
•       Add the two trees to the Rye St driveway.
•       Replace light pole specs with wal-pak specs.
•       Remove the individually-designated parking spaces in front of the east-side addition;
•       Remove the areas shown as reserve parking and replace with a reserve parking notation.
•       Add windows to the east addition per ADRC recommendation.

Doolittle gave an Engineering report.

1.      The proposed East Addition is shown over an existing grease separator and the sanitary sewer lateral.  How will access to this grease separator be maintained?  Consider relocating this grease separator outside of the proposed building expansion.  
2.      Add a second “Do No Enter” sign at the east side of the proposed exit driveway onto Rye Street.  
3.      Relocate approximately 6 potential future expansion parking spaces that are shown over the proposed stormwater drainage swale on Sheet 3.  
4.      Add a small rip rap energy dissipater at the end of the roof leader to the south of the proposed addition and in the proposed detention basin where the grass swale enters.  
5.      Remove Note 20 on Sheet 4 as this is not necessary.  
6.      Include Notes for the Operations and Maintenance of the stormwater system for the entire site on these plans and in the Stormwater Management Plan.  These notes need to include control of vegetation, sediment, erosion, mosquitoes and any litter and debris in the stormwater swales, basins, inlets and outlets.  
7.      On the Detail for Pavement, include a Heavy Duty label in layer 3, processed aggregate.  
8.      In the Stormwater Management Plan, include a stormwater analysis of the existing pavement and grass/tree area to the west from the Sullivan Avenue Driveway through to the Rye Street Driveway.  If this area is not contributing to the stormwater flow off site include a statement with supporting documentation to this effect.  
9.      A permit is needed from the ConnDOT to connect to the CB in Sullivan Ave.
10.     A Street Excavation Permit from the Town is needed for the new driveways on Rye Street.  

Commissioners had questions and comments.  

Pacekonis made a motion to approve the above mentioned application with the following conditions.
1.      Prior to commencement of any site work, a meeting must be held with Town Staff.
2.      No building permit will be issued until the final mylars have been filed in the Town Clerk's office.
3.      This application is subject to the conditions of approval of the Inland Wetlands Agency/Conservation Commission.
4.      All bonds must be in one of the forms described in the enclosed Bond Policy.
5.      An as-built plan is required prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy per Section 8.1.11 of the Zoning Regulations.
6.      All plans used in the field by the developer must bear the stamp and authorized signature of the Town of South Windsor.
7.      The building street number must be included on the final plan.
8.      Pavement markings must be maintained in good condition throughout the site drives and parking areas.
9.      All free standing signs and/or building signs require the issuance of a sign permit before they are erected.
10.     The Town Engineer’s review comments dated 11-24-09 must be addressed to the Town Engineer’s satisfaction.
11.     Add two trees to the Rye St driveway.
12.     Replace light pole specs with wal-pak specs.
13.     Remove the individually-designated parking spaces in front of the east-side addition; remove the areas shown as reserve parking and replace with a reserve parking notation.

3.      Preliminary Discussion with Ralph Alexander regarding land on Ellington Road-
Attorney Ralph Alexander came before the Commission on behalf of Connecticut Studios LLC and its principals as follows; Mr. Anthony Delvicario, Raulph Polumbo, and construction manager Eugean Bucci.  The project is located on 69 acres of land which is comprised of four smaller parcels southerly by Ellington Road, westerly by John Fitch Blvd and Chapel Road.  The main focus of the project is the studio potion.  There are two other phases that will not come till January.  The principals of Connecticut Studios have been working with Town Staff for over a year on the project.  

Robert Smedberg, Senior project manager with DHB discussed the proposed engineering plans for Connecticut Studios as follows.  The site is bounded by Rte 5, Chapel Road, Ellington Road and 291.  The parcel is 69 acres made up of agricultural use land adjacent to 291, and an existing storage facility as well as the old drive in property.  The site has a wire easement that causes some constraints.  There are some existing storm water features that service the current Admiral Storage facility.  The proposed studio is made up of a series of four studio buildings and within each of those are two sound stages.  A new mill building will support the storage and set construction along with the existing mill building that will be used for storage.  There is an access entrance off of Chapel Road to come in to the site, and two other access ways on the southwestern portion for traffic in an out of site.  Connecticut Studios is proposing retail; hotel and some restaurant use to support the Studios in the future and is not part of this phase.  All the truck activity will be brought up along Rte 5 and up Chapel Road and into the site through a back rout behind the site.  The site will be a full perimeter enclosed site with fencing all around the site and each of the access entrances will be guarded by security guards with 24 hour security.  Nothing will be visible from Ellington Road; the existing pond will be integrated into the site. The front of the building when viewed from Chapel Road will have an office setting look to it.  

Attorney Ralph Alexander mentioned that this is a very large scale project.  The proposed fence is closer to the street line than the regulations allow in the zone.  The trailers will be housed in the rear portion of the property.  The applicant submitted a text amendment to the regulations to aid in moving the project forward.  (See exhibit A).  The text amendment has been submitted to Capitol Region Council of Governments for review.  Connecticut Studios would like to come before the Commissions with a site plan in January and plan to break ground in March or April of 2010.  

Commissioners questioned about the regulations.

Banach responded that parking is not allowed in the 1-291 zone in front of buildings therefore the applicant is requesting an amendment to address the parking in the front yard set backs.

Kennedy mentioned that the movie industry has particular needs than most business on I-291 don’t have and the commission understands that the regulations may have to be reworded accommodate this use.  

Commissioners gave favorable feedback on the Connecticut Studios proposal.  

MINUTES:  The minute for 9/22/2009 and 10/13/2009 were approved by consensus.  


Commissioners agreed to have the holiday party on Tuesday, December 8, 2009 at Mill on the River.
Pacekonis made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Sorenson seconded the motion the motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

The meeting ended at 8:46 PM.

Respectfully submitted

__________________      ____________
D. Maria Acevedo                Date Approved
Recording Secretary